Management Information Sheet

PP+ funding for Looked After Children 2023-24 guidance and FAQs

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:73/23
Publication Date:02/05/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:CLare Farrant (01603 307769)
Audience:Headteacher/ Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

PP+ funding for Looked After Children 2023-24 guidance and FAQs

PP+ funding is intended to improve education outcomes for looked after children, by helping deliver the needs identified in their Personal Education Plan.

There is evidence that PP+ is most effective when used across 3 areas identified in the DfE's Menu of Approaches, and we would expect schools to prioritise these, in accordance with needs identified in a young person's PEP:

  1. High-quality teaching, such as staff professional development
  2. Targeted academic support, such as tutoring
  3. Wider strategies to address non-academic barriers to success in schools, such as attendance, behaviour, and social and emotional support

For all allocated PP+ funding, including termly allocations and exceptional funding, PEP outcomes must identify how funding will be spent and the cost of the intervention.

Local Authority funded schools and academies

  • Schools will be allocated the PP+ spend they have recorded against PEP outcomes, up to a maximum of £600 per term, upon completion and sign off of the PEP by the Virtual School. If no spend is recorded, no funding will be allocated.

Independent schools and Alternative Providers

  • Funding will only be paid to these settings in exceptional circumstances as the provision required by pupils is agreed at the time of placement and already paid in full by Norfolk County Council. Exceptional circumstances are identified through the young person's needs and identified support, and are in addition to what the setting would reasonably be expected to provide.

Exceptional funding requests

  • If a requirement for funding in excess of £600 per term is identified, schools should complete the Pupil Premium Exceptional Funding Application Form (available from the Virtual School). Applications for PP+ funding for projects or group interventions should also be made using this form. Independent and alternative provision settings will need to complete this for all funding requirements.
  • Schools should always consider and apply for other available funding streams where they are available (e.g. SEN funding) before requesting exceptional PP+ funding. PP+ should not be used to replace other available funding.
  • All exceptional funding requests must be discussed with a Virtual School Adviser and submitted before an intervention is put in place as funding is never guaranteed and retrospective applications may not be accepted. If you are unsure who your Adviser is, please contact the Virtual School (details below).
  • Exceptional funding will be agreed for a fixed period. We will review the PEP and expect to see evidence of impact where an application for repeat funding is made.
  • All exceptional funding requests will be considered at a panel meeting, following which schools will be notified of the outcome.
  • There are some requests for which exceptional funding won't be agreed –see FAQs within the Pupil Premium section on our website.

Timing of applications for exceptional funding

  • Applications should always be submitted before an intervention is put in place.
  • Funding for term-long interventions, such as 1:1 support for a term, should be submitted well before the end of the preceding term, to allow us time to consider the request and communicate the outcome.
  • Retrospective applications may not be considered.

General information

  • PP+ funding is intended to provide additional support. It is not emergency funding and should not meet costs which should be funded elsewhere. This includes the entitlement set out in the SEND code of practice: 0-25 years, published in June 2014..
  • It is a DfE requirement and an OFSTED expectation that schools evidence how the pupil premium is spent and how it benefits looked after children. Schools must ensure that every PEP includes SMART targets, details of how all PP+ funding has been used and clear evidence of impact on children's achievement..
  • An invoice will be requested from independent and out of county schools to transfer PP+ funding. If an invoice is not provided by the specified deadline, it will be assumed that it is no longer required and the funding will be reallocated. Schools will not be chased for invoices.
  • In all cases we reserve the right to recoup the funding if it is not being used to address the specific needs of the young person, as identified in the PEP.

You can contact us on:-

Phone : 01603 307769
Email :

You can also find out more on our website at:-, or follow us on Twitter @Schoolcic.

2023-24 Norfolk VS PP+ FAQs - change in policy.pdf

2023-24 Norfolk VS Pupil Premium Plus for Looked After Children - FAQs.pdf
2023-24 Norfolk VS Pupil Premium Plus for Looked After Children Guidance.pdf