Management Information Sheet
STAIR - Updated online document to support children's transition from an Early Years setting into Reception class
The updated STAIR form is now available to use for supporting Early Years transitions. The STAIR has been co-produced with early years practitioners, teachers, families, Education Advisers and SEND professionals. Following trialling of a pilot form last year, we have responded to feedback and developed an online form.
Development of an online form has allowed us to retain the content wanted in the STAIR, while removing the technical challenges the previous form presented. We have also been able to include some additional features, aimed at making information sharing easier.
The STAIR is optional, and settings may use their own versions if they prefer. The most important thing is to paint an accurate picture of the child, taking into account the child's own views. The STAIR should be completed in conversation with parents/carers and shared with consent, in line with the setting's information sharing policy. The STAIR can be shared electronically, so schools may be contacted by Early Years settings to confirm the best contact. We recommend that this is the class teacher or Early Years lead.
Benefits of using the STAIR include:
- Online forms are fully accessible for all users. This is especially helpful on mobile devices
- Mandatory fields ensure that all the necessary information has been included
- An image of the child, support plans, care plans, risk assessments and EHCPs can be included by uploading to this STAIR
- Supporting reports from professionals involved can be included by uploading to this STAIR
- The STAIR can be sent automatically to the onward setting and to parents, if their email addresses are included.
If you are completing the STAIR, before you start:
- Talk to parents/carers about the STAIR. Ask them what information they think is important to share with the onward setting. Let them know what you plan to share
- Gain informed consent from parent/carers to share the STAIR with the onward setting and ask if they would like a copy of the STAIR emailed to them
- Make contact with onward settings. Let them know you will be sharing the STAIR and ensure you have the correct contact details for the person receiving the STAIR. This will usually be the class teacher, EYFS lead, key person or setting manager
- Set aside some time to familiarise yourself with the online STAIR. The form is in 8 short sections. You should allow time to plan what you want to include, especially for the Transition Information section
- Privacy Notice, Child Details, Transition Information, Developmental Progress and Contact Details sections, should be completed for every child
- Learning and Inclusion Needs, Professional Involvement and Plans sections should be completed where additional information would be useful in making adjustments to ensure transition is successful
- When sharing the STAIR for children with SEND you should also upload any available and relevant reports or letters from professionals.
Once completed a copy of the STAIR will be emailed to you. If you have included email addresses for parents/carers and the onward setting a copy will be sent to them automatically. Alternatively you can print and deliver by hand or forward via email.
Use the link to access the new online STAIR: The STAIR
Safeguarding information should be shared securely, in line with your setting's policy and should not be included in the STAIR.
Information is stored securely in the Granicus system. A privacy notice must be accepted and an automatic deletion schedule removes the data. The Early Years service does not receive, or have access to, any of the STAIR forms that are submitted.
You can access further resources on supporting transitions, including the STAIR, the transitions Padlet and transitions leaflets on the Schools and Learning Providers website.