Management Information Sheet
Inclusion and SEND Support for Schools updates - Summer 2
Welcome to the second half of the Summer term. We hope you enjoyed a well-deserved break.
We are pleased to share our offer of fully funded and subsidised Inclusion and SEND advice, guidance, training, and resources for your school for the final half-term of this academic year.
Early Intervention and Prevention
Led by Josie Rayner-Wells, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Early Intervention and Prevention
You can see our full range of services and purchase the best value Norfolk Steps package here.
Secure your place/s on the next Steps support webinar:
- 11/7/23 - Supporting learners with ADHD
Each webinar is accompanied by a padlet of practical resources, clear guidance and relevant information linked to the webinar theme. You can access our most recently created padlets here:
- Steps Webinar - Supporting Autistic Pupils Padlet (19.04.23)
- Steps Webinar - Supporting Pupils During Unstructured Times Padlet (15.05.23)
School culture/ethos
Prejudice-based Incidents - annual reports now due.
Responding, recording and reporting prejudice-based incidents. Join this webinar in preparation for your annual return this month (see Day 6, 23/05/2023).
To help schools, the local authority has produced guidance in collaboration with local stakeholders and experts, so you can manage prejudice-based incidents effectively. This includes in-school reporting procedures and your annual return to the local authority.
This interactive webinar will explore:
- What constitutes a prejudice-based incident
- Effective management of incidents
- Evidence-based, preventative approaches
- How to complete the NCC prejudice-based incident returns form
Anti-Racism in Education Norfolk Network Meetings; working towards a Whole School Approach
Join our community of over 50 schools and receive an update of developments in Anti-Racist practice for schools, a short presentation from a guest speaker about an aspect of Anti-Racist, learn from practice sharing and collaboration with other Norfolk schools.
A Day of Welcome takes place on Friday 16 June. This is a day of solidarity and learning in schools that aims to build a culture of welcome and understanding for refugees and asylum seekers, and to support Refugee Week. There are more than 50 free resources and activities for KS1-KS4 and schools can also access live webcasts on the day. Further information can be found on the Schools of Sanctuary website.
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
Supporting SLT to meet the RSHE Guidance requirements with confidence
The government is set to bring forward a review of how Relationships and Sex Education is being taught in schools. Would you like to feel more confident that your school's approach to RSHE meets current requirements? Join our interactive session, delivered by Josie Rayner-Wells, former National RSHE Adviser, to clarify the current requirements on schools, provide live debate to the key issues that current media attention has created, offer reassurances and top tips for effective approaches so you can be fully confident in your school provision.
Attendance at this session will enable school leaders to:
- Be confident in their execution of the legal requirements
- Take effective approaches to positive parental engagement
- Know how to manage any parental complaints
RSHE Bootcamp - Secondary
This fully funded workshop and accompanying RSE teaching resource will provide your school with everything it needs to extend beyond statutory compliance, embedding best practice RSHE.
EAL/ EDC Advisory Service
We have a range of training on offer this term. Further information can be accessed through the links for each course below:
- Introduction to EAL for Primary Teaching Assistants: This CPD is designed for Teaching Assistants working throughout the primary phase and will focus on exploring a range of practical classroom-based strategies which support the achievement of pupils with English as an Additional Language.
- Distinguishing the Difference between EAL and SEN: This face-to-face course will support delegates to ensure best practice for English as an Additional Language (EAL) pupils and their families in relation to SEN. We will cover how to distinguish between EAL and SEN difficulties and will explore a range of assessment materials.
- Supporting EAL learners in the Mainstream Primary Classroom: This four-module self-led e-learning course will introduce professionals to basic EAL pedagogy and a range of practical strategies to support EAL pupils in the mainstream primary classroom.
- Young Interpreters Scheme: This scheme is aimed at Primary and Secondary school children and involves a group of pupils who have an empathetic outlook in welcoming new arrivals to the school and supporting them during their induction period, as well as with ongoing social situations around school. A training package for participating pupils is provided to school which sign up to the scheme.
- Secondary EAL training: Bespoke training offered to schools for a staff member or team of staff with responsibility for EAL in school. Contact Tanya Ingram at for details.
- EAL Award for Primary and Secondary schools: To encourage and celebrate good practice in developing school environments that promote and support diversity of culture and language. The package includes: An audit of EAL provision, staff CPD (bespoke in-school or other), subscription to Young Interpreter scheme, advice, and guidance re: admissions, EAL resources, policy, teaching strategies, funding etc. Contact Robert Coyle at for further details.
Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Service
Join us in celebrating Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month!
This year's theme is: 'Weaving Journeys: A celebration of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller lives, histories and cultures'.
The GRT Service have produced Padlets that enable schools to embed GRT history and culture into their curriculums, adding diversity to teaching and learning.? Some resources directly relate to this year's theme and include teaching instruction sheets which focus on Travelling Patterns, Crown Derby and a 'create your own plate pattern' sheet, and traditional basket weaving activity related to weaving journeys and patterns.
Referrals for mild to moderate mental health support
From 1 April 2023 all referrals for mild to moderate mental health support for 0-25 year olds across Norfolk & Waveney will be processed by Just One Number. All referrals are made digitally through Support for Mild to Moderate Mental Health Needs ( For advice and guidance or support completing the referral please call Just One Number on 0300 300 0123.
The Flourishing Families Tool has been designed for families who might want a little extra help meeting their child's needs. There are all sorts of things that families can get help with, whether it's healthy eating, fun activities or financial management, and this tool was developed to help families work out what they are already doing well and help them to find support when and if they need it. The tool is available at and in just five minutes families can find out about the support that's available.
Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHWB) Network Meeting: Engaging families (08.06.23)
This session will provide your schools with practical evidence-based resources and illustrative examples of good practice, helping you make a meaningful difference for pupils within your school.
PATHS® Revitalise Session (27/06/23)
This fully funded webinar and accompanying resources will provide your school with everything it needs to deliver the PATHS® programme, embedding social and emotional skills as part of a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Learning and SEND
Led by Alison Toombs, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Learning and SEND
Offer of support:
- Training packages, including Norfolk SENDCo Now, SLCN Level 4 and a range of twilights - contact for information.
- Adviser support for leaders and SENDCos in the areas of:
- Identification of need (INDES)
- Provision (IPSEF and PEaSS)
- High quality teaching
- Transitions
- Supporting participation for children and young people with SEND in Norfolk. This twilight session will cover the approach to supporting participation for children and young people (CYP) in Norfolk, with a particular focus on supporting the participation of CYP with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
- KIDS mediation and disagreement resolution service. Susanna Diegel, the KIDS Regional SEND Mediation manager, will explain how their service can support with resolving SEND related disagreements.
- SEND Shared Support Session 3 - Summer 2023. The new SEND shared support sessions aim to provide an opportunity for SENDCOs and other professionals working with children and young people with SEND to:
- Meet with Inclusion and SEND advisers
- Network and build relationships with colleagues in SEND from across Norfolk
- Learn from one another, sharing knowledge and resources
- Share challenges and solutions
- Discuss best practice
- Reflect and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment
- Inclusive Digital Technology. This session will look at some of the in-built accessibility features available within Microsoft Office 365 and Windows 10 and how these can be used to support learners with additional needs.
We will explore: - Use of Immersive Reader, Dictate and other Learning Tools.
- Windows 10 settings and how these can be adjusted to meet learner's needs.
- Use of keyboard shortcuts.
- Sources of help and support for using accessibility settings.
E-learning offer - SEND Modules
These High Quality Teaching modules aim to give teachers an overview of what High Quality Teaching looks like in a mainstream setting within the context of the role and responsibility of every teacher to be 'a teacher of SEND' therefore supporting the Teacher's Standards.
- SEND Module 1 - Identification of Need
- SEND Module 2 - High Quality Teaching
- SEND Module 3 - Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS)
- Reflective Record - SEND and SEMH: Throughout this project, you will be considering the impact that your teaching has on the learning of children with SEND and SEMH. The project's E-learning modules and accompanying resources will support your understanding.
SEMH and Transitions Team
Led by Vicki Setters, Senior Adviser Inclusion, SEMH and Transitions
Offer of fully-funded support:
- Bespoke, intensive support for schools in relation to CYP that are close to exclusion.
- Support for schools with the transition of CYP that are placed via the Fair Access Team.
- Support for schools with ensuring effective Managed Moves.
- Exclusions Team support.
- Support with identifying whether an SEMH SRB application is appropriate.
The Inclusion and SEND Helpline is available for urgent requests for support on 01603 307736.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us on our mailbox, providing a single point of enquiry and entry to our services: