Management Information Sheet
Term Dates required for School Transport Services
Norfolk County Council publish a model calendar for term dates. This Model Calendar can be found at; Term dates and school holidays 2023-2024. This calendar applies to community schools, community special schools, VC schools and nursery schools and sets the days on which school transport will be provided. Foundation, VA, foundation special, free schools and academy trusts are able to set their own dates and, although many still adopt the model calendar, there are different terms dates across our Norfolk schools.
To ensure that we have the correct school transport services for children & young people to attend your education establishment, we need to have the details of the terms dates for our schools and academies. Please can you confirm to us your term and inset dates for 2023-2024. We do require this information even if you currently have no transport into your establishment as you may require this in the future, this information ensures that we can provide the transport as quickly as possible upon request.
To make it easier to provide us with the required information, a short survey has been created for a member of your team to complete. A school specific survey will be emailed to your school on Wednesday 14 June 2023.
We must emphasise that without this information this may result in non-attendance of pupils to your school when other schools are closed and/or any costs of services provided when your establishment is open outside of the Norfolk Model Calendar may be charged back to you.
The deadline for completion is Friday 23 June 2023.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Travel and Transport Services, Community and Environmental Services Norfolk County Council