Management Information Sheet
Local First Inclusion - Developing a Norfolk Commitment to Inclusion
As part of the Local First Inclusion Programme, there is a focus on developing mainstream inclusion, culture and practice. One aspect of this work is to promote a shared understanding of effective SEND support and a Norfolk commitment to developing high quality provision which enables all children and young people with SEND to Flourish.
As a first step, we are inviting involvement from schools and settings to contribute to developing an ambitious shared commitment to what consistent, high quality and well supported SEN support and inclusive practice should look like across Norfolk.
Our ambition is to consult with those who have expertise and experience across a broad range of needs, including the voice of children and young people, families, schools and settings, to ensure we consider a wide range of perspectives. We aim to co-produce a set of agreed principles for Inclusion, to enable the development and embedding of best practice throughout Norfolk, to secure a sustainable system that achieves long term success.
A Norfolk Commitment will create a school system that holds the highest aspirations for all children and young people and one that encourages and enables them to Flourish, whilst recognising success looks different for everyone.
In order to make best use of the time of school staff who are able to support this work, we have developed a suite of resources. These will includeresources for pupil voice that support with work you will be planning around transitions.
Please register your interest in participating here -, and we will be in touch to discuss how you can help.
Find out more about the Local First Inclusion programme here - Norfolk Schools LFI