Management Information Sheet

Provision Expected at SEN Support guidance updated

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:132/23
Publication Date:04/07/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Dawn Jones (01603 217806)
Audience:Headteachers, SENDCos

Provision Expected at SEN Support guidance updated

Norfolk County Council's Inclusion and SEND team have updated the Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS) guidance.

As you'll know, PEaSS is really important because it clearly sets out what special educational provision and training we expect mainstream schools, early years education providers, and post-16 education providers to offer.

The guidance contains lots of useful information to support you. There are links to key legislation, information about co-production, inclusive practice, information about high quality teaching, the graduated approach, equipment and SEND training, and the responsibilities of teachers, school leaders and governors.

The updated guidance now divides needs into five categories.

Each category is colour-coded with interactive tick lists describing need, suggested whole setting approaches, suggested SEN Support strategies in the classroom, suggestions for SENDCos, plus questions to consider and training for staff sections.

The categories of need are:

  • Communication and Interaction: Speech, language and communication needs
  • Communication and Interaction: Social communication and interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and/or Sensory Needs which includes: Deafness, Vision Impairment, Multi-Sensory Impairment and Physical Needs

The update has been led by the Learning and SEND team, working in collaboration with children and young people from the Norfolk SEND Youth Forum, parent carer groups, SENDCos and a wide range of other SEND professionals in Norfolk.

The design of the new document is thanks to a small group of SENDCos who gave insight into how PEaSS is used in settings and how we could design it to best make it dynamic and interactive. We also took inspiration from how other areas present their Ordinarily Available Support.

We've created standalone pages relating to different elements of need and provision from the guidance so you can print them off individually or use them in a digital format. We hope this is helpful.

You can find the new PEaSS guidance and the standalone pull-out documents on the Norfolk Schools and Learning Providers website.

We have created some separate pages for parents and carers on the Norfolk SEND Local Offer website.