Management Information Sheet
Unregulated Alternative Provision updated documents 2023-2024
Documents for the commissioning of unregulated (or unregistered) Alternative Provision [AP] have been updated for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Please download these at Unregulated alternative provision templates - Schools (
Summary of changes:
The Norfolk County Council Directory of Unregulated Alternative Provision has been updated with several new provider pages added. Please note that this is not an approved list and commissioners must carry out their own checks. The section on Ofsted has been revised according to the inspection handbook for 2023.
The updated Model Policy for the commissioning of Unregulated Alternative Provision includes guidance from Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: non-statutory guidance for providers running out-of-school settings - GOV.UK ( The section on Ofsted inspections has been updated with paragraph numbers from the 2023 inspection handbooks (for both maintained, academy and non-maintained, independent school inspections). The appendices have been updated according to the changes below.
Template 01 Pre-placement visit record: the paragraph numbers from KCSIE regarding safer recruitment checks have been updated according to the 2023 guidance. Further additions include sections for: the date of the visit, pupils not being permitted to leave the AP site unattended, and the AP's policy around physical intervention.
Template 02 Initial Referral and Admissions Form: a section on physical intervention has also been added, and relevant KCSIE paragraph numbers updated. A risk assessment template has also been included.
Templates 03-06: no changes.