Management Information Sheet
2023 Key Stage 2 September Checking Exercise
The 2023 KS2 September checking exercise website is now open. The checking exercise will be the only opportunity for state funded primary schools and local authorities with closed schools to check that DfE have attributed the correct KS2 pupils and their results to a school for the purpose of calculating performance measures.
Amendment requests and evidence (where required) must be submitted before 5:00pm on Friday 22 September 2023. Note: DfE cannot consider information/evidence beyond the first 6 pages.
If your request does not meet the criteria of one of the removal categories listed in the '2023 KS2 September Checking Exercise Guidance' document, it will not be accepted. The guidance is available by clicking the 'Download Documents' via the 2023 KS2 September checking exercise link above.
If you are having difficulties accessing the system, please contact the schools' helpline by submitting a 'Contact Us' request via the 2023 KS2 September checking exercise link above, or by telephone on 08453 077867.
The provisional KS2 results data used in the checking exercise file are based on the information provided to the DfE by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) on 11 July. This data does not include later changes, such as scripts marked after the data was supplied to DfE, or the outcome of marking or clerical reviews.
Where changes to pupils' data, or results, are not included in the calculation of provisional figures presented on the school 'Summary' page, but become available later, they will be shared with schools both on the '2023 KS2 Checked Data Website' and in the provisional update to 'Analyse School Performance' (ASP) data later in the year.
Queries relating to the KS2 results of individual pupils (e.g., if you think a pupil has been matched to the wrong test result) should be directed to the national curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013 or email