Management Information Sheet

INDES, IPSEF and Element 3 funding arrangements

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:166/23
Publication Date:26/09/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Alison Toombs (+441603307723)
Audience:Professionals, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENCO, Governor for SEND and SEND Professionals

INDES, IPSEF and Element 3 funding arrangements

The purpose of this MI Sheet is to update school leaders, SENDCos and inclusion leads on the development of the Identification of Needs Descriptors in Educational Settings (INDES) and Inclusion and Provision SEF (IPSEF). These two processes, alongside the Provision Expected at School Support (PEaSS) suite of resources provide the foundation and principles upon which ongoing improvements in SEND provision across Norfolk schools, settings and services are developed, and they will be central to the next phase of SEND transformation over the next six years.

April 2023 saw the conclusion of the original procedure for requesting Element 3 funding, now fully replaced by a revised process for accessing support for children and young people with SEND in mainstream settings.

Thank you for your patience whilst we have run parallel processes and triaged a high volume of support requests.

Identification of Needs Descriptors in Educational Settings (INDES)

INDES are a framework of standardised terms, co-produced and facilitated by the Inclusion and SEND team, breaking down the broad areas of SEND into seven specific sections which describe need:

  • Physical disability (including physical and neurological impairment, medical, independence and sensory)
  • Deafness
  • Visual impairment
  • Speech and language
  • Social communication and interaction
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Learning and cognition difficulties (including behaviour for learning)

When identifying a child or young person's needs as part of the assess, plan, do, review process (SEND Code of Practice, 2015), professionals use statements within the above that best describe presentation of need from typically developing to complex.

Currently, we have engagement from 422 mainstream settings and over 13.5k submissions, the majority of which, we are pleased to say, are being moderated within settings.

Support for SEND Triage

When an INDES submission is received and the setting has requested support via the webform, the Support for SEND Triage (SST) process is engaged. Once the submission has been processed, the setting will receive feedback from a panel of SEND professionals, which will range from individual, holistic advice and signposting in addition to funding - it may also lead to an offer of support from other SEND professionals if wider, more strategic SEND cohort advice is appropriate.

Settings do not need to request support for every INDES submission, only for those where support (which may include funding) is required. Further information is detailed in the INDES implementation guide.


In order to ensure these approaches are consistently used and embedded across schools and settings, a programme of moderation provides a robust quality assurance process.

We have now carried out the INDES Moderation Panel (IMP) with 103 settings, which is one layer of moderation that review the INDES submissions and supporting information (SEN Support plans, EHCPs, review documentation) with 3 possible outcomes:


*iLevels evidenced

  • Evidence fully supports INDES iLevels
  • IPSEF shows that setting has capacity to meet need

SEND Adviser support is available to all settings regardless of the outcome.

iLevels evidenced

  • Evidence generally supports INDES iLevels
  • IPSEF raises concerns about the setting's capacity to meet need


iLevels not evidenced

  • Evidence does not support INDES iLevels
  • IPSEF raises concerns about the setting's capacity to meet need

*(iLevels = best fit scores from INDES submissions in each SEND area)

It is our aim to moderate all Norfolk mainstream settings within 3 years with a view to bring about greater consistency in:

  • how SEND is identified, and,
  • robust, co-produced SEN provision planning

Please note that the outcome of the INDES moderation panel does not affect Element 3 funding allocations.

We will contact schools and settings to invite colleagues to take part in an IMP. Ensuring decisions based upon and the INDES are consistent is critical to developing a stronger SEND system; professionals who have taken part have found these incredibly useful, as it strengthens internal moderation processes within schools and trusts. Further information is detailed in the INDES implementation guide.

Moderators from settings have commented on how the IMP sessions were 'very positive and beneficial' and that they 'found it incredibly useful.' If you would like to join the moderation group, please get in touch:

Inclusion and Provision SEF (IPSEF)

327 settings have now completed IPSEFs to date with numbers rising every week. It is an essential part of our processes to have sight of a setting's IPSEF and supporting information, eg, costed provision map, so we have a complete picture of a setting's context and capacity to meet need.

IPSEF Peer Review

We will be inviting settings to take part in a review of their IPSEF via an 'IPSEF peer review'. This is an opportunity for colleagues from educational settings in a local area to meet, share good practice and discuss areas of development identified in their IPSEFs. It allows settings to understand the emerging SEND needs in their local area and use this knowledge to inform planning, practice, and transition arrangements. The initial peer review we ran in the summer 2023 term was incredibly positive and good CPD for SEND professionals and school leaders.

Inclusion in a Nutshell tool

We have updated the Inclusion in a Nutshell tool with the latest local and National comparative data. We've received very positive feedback on the tool and it's great to hear how this is being used by settings. The Nutshell is an optional and editable tool for settings to use and adapt how they wish. We welcome feedback on further development of the Nutshell which can be submitted via the link on the first page of the tool.

Further information on the IPSEF, supporting tools and the IPSEF Peer Review is detailed in the IPSEF implementation guide.

INDES/IPSEF webforms

We run a continuous programme of testing for the webforms which are the most used of all Norfolk's online forms. The testing periods help us to make revisions and adaptations to the forms from feedback you've given us, so they are more user friendly. Please continue to give us feedback so we can include suggestions in future testing phases

Recent updates:

A new webform for document uploads. This can be used by settings to add updated documents for a setting or child/young person without the need to complete the full INDES or IPSEF webforms. Upload additional files for INDES or IPSEF - Norfolk County Council

Webforms undergo updates and testing in November and May each year after feedback from users in settings.

INDES IPSEF guidance and staff CPD

There is a range of guidance documents that have been developed to support you when implementing INDES and IPSEF processes in your setting. We have also created a CPD session and resources for you to use with your staff so INDES and IPSEF can be used effectively in your setting.

Element 3 funding

Element 3 guidance and frequently asked questions are available on the High Needs Element 3 funding webpage. This includes information on the Bridging Fund.

Bandings and amounts financial year 23/24:

BandAnnual allocationTotal per individual (including Notional contribution)

These are allocated to individual CYP who have high special educational needs and are used in conjunction with the school's contribution of the initial £6,000.

Please note - from financial year 23/24 onwards, we will only process requests for support that are submitted before 31 January each financial year, meaning, any requests received from 1 February will not be processed until the new financial year and allocated from the summer term onwards - not backdated to the beginning of the Spring term. This is to ensure we can feedback to settings, so they have SEND funding information when setting budgets.

Bridging Fund (early years to Year R)

Following positive feedback from settings, we are pleased that we are able to continue to offer this process to support children with identified high needs as they transition into Year R. This year, 502 children are eligible for the Bridging Fund.

During Autumn 2023 and Spring 2024 terms, the Bridging Fund will be automatically allocated to children/young people:

  • previously in receipt of the higher rate of funding in their Early Years setting (complex or medical needs).
  • with an EHCP
  • who have received a "yes to plan" decision during the Summer term 2023.

Settings will receive £3962.27 for the Autumn and Spring terms combined. This is alongside the setting's notional contribution of £4000 per CYP for the Autumn and Spring terms. (See Norfolk's Budget Share Tracker for your setting's Notional budget.) The amount is calculated by matching the amount per hour a child receives through Early Years funding and uplifted to reflect full time provision in Year R.

The Bridging Fund will be allocated automatically in October and November 2023 - settings do not need to take any action. We will contact settings at the end of September 2023 to confirm if the child eligible for the Bridging Fund is on roll.

We recommend that primary/infant settings liaise with their feeder early years providers to identify children who may be eligible for the Bridging Fund as part of their transition processes. It is important that early years providers and primary/infant settings work closely to enable smooth transitions through careful transition planning to ensure CYP needs are met. Guidance, information, and resources are available to support transition arrangements.

It is the intention that the Bridging Fund will allow settings the time to get to know the children and determine, through the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process, whether requesting support via an INDES submission is appropriate.

Settings can submit an INDES from September 2023 to 31 January 2024 once they have a full understanding of the child/young person's educational and developmental needs.

Ongoing support to settings

Our Autumn term Element 3 workshop will be held on 26 September 2023 - booking information is here.

We are also continuing our surgery sessions for those requiring bespoke SEND support and guidance -booking information is here.

Many thanks for your ongoing support; should you have any questions/comments, please contact us