Management Information Sheet

Everything your school needs to celebrate key themed events across this academic year

MI Sheet TypeCPD
To Be Completed By: 22/09/2023
MI Number:168/23
Publication Date:26/09/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Josie Rayner-Wells (01603 303329)

Everything your school needs to celebrate key themed events across this academic year

We are pleased to be providing everything your school needs to celebrate key themed events across this academic year!

We know how much schools value supporting and celebrating themed events, and how these can support in the promotion of personal development through British Values, Citizenship and RSHE, as part of your school culture and ethos of inclusion.

To help you engage effectively, with measurable impact, we have taken the hard work out of planning these for you with our new programme of inclusion themed event support. Whether you only have time for an assembly, or are looking to celebrate as part of a whole-school approach we have a customisable pack of resources with everything you need for the following events:

Date of eventName of Event
13/11/2023RSHE Thematic Webinar: Anti-Bullying Week | Norfolk Services for Schools
01/02/2024LGBT+ History Month
05 - 11/02/2024Children's Mental Health Week
06/02/2024RSHE Thematic Webinar: Safer Internet Day | Norfolk Services for Schools
26/02/2024Eating Disorder Awareness Week
15/03/2024Young Carers Action Day
22/04/2024Stephen Lawrence Day
May 2024(tbc)Mental Health Awareness Week
01/06/2024GRT History Month
14/06/2024Day of Welcome and Refugee Week
20/06/2024Armed Forces Day
23/06/2024RSE Day & Norwich Schools Pride

Each event will be supported through the provision of:

A short launch webinar, delivered 2 weeks prior to the event, facilitated by our specialist Inclusion Advisers who will provide you with an overview of the event and guide you through evidence-informed CPD, best practice illustrative ideas from our Norfolk schools and some top tips for how to customise all the fully-funded resources to meet the bespoke needs of your school community.

A padlet of resources that will include:

  • Whole-school approach audit and action plan to help you celebrate and demonstrate your areas of strength and identify areas for development, with everything included to help you achieve this
  • Accessible staff CPD and guidance to support awareness, confidence and skills, securing whole-school consistency
  • Assembly activities and cross-curricular lesson plans
  • Pupil voice and school council activities, enabling your school community to lead and champion change
  • Display materials for your school environment
  • Signposting to trusted sources of advice, guidance and support for children and families

To register your interest in any of the themed day webinars and to have priority access to the padlets, please email

If there are any additional themed events you would like us to help you celebrate, please email