Management Information Sheet
Parental Responsibility Measures Attendance Census for academic year 2022/23
Local authorities must complete the parental responsibility measures attendance census each September/October. We are required to submit details of the controls you put in place in the previous academic year to help parents make sure their children attend school. We have designed an MS form to collect the details of the number of cases you have entered into the fast track case management system. Even if you have not entered any cases into the fast-track case management system please respond. The census must be submitted before we break for October half term, therefore, please can you complete the form by Friday 13 October 2023. If you require any assistance with the form, please call the team on 01603 223 681.
You can view the slides from our recent webcast hosted to support with the collection and a recording of the webcast will be available shortly via the Attendance Team web pages hosted on NCC Schools and Learning Providers website.
To submit your return click here, or scan the QR code in this pdf with a smart device.
Thank you for your support with this data collection.