Management Information Sheet

Fair Funding Consultation with Schools Autumn 2023

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 31/10/2023
MI Number:179/23
Publication Date:03/10/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Martin Brock (01603 223800)
Audience:Schools and Governors

Fair Funding Consultation with Schools Autumn 2023

The Local Authority (LA) is consulting with schools via an online survey to gather views on the schools' funding formula for mainstream schools and academies for the 2024-25 financial year, as well as a proposed minor change to the special schools' funding formula.

The Local Authority will be holding online engagement sessions for stakeholders to attend during the early part of the consultation period where elements of the consultation will be briefly explained.

The dates and times of online sessions are as follows:

In all formula options for mainstream schools, the LA is proposing to continue to mirror the factor values and methodologies of the National Funding Formula. All options are expected to provide additional per-pupil funding for schools in 2024-25 (except where amalgamations have occurred) compared to 2023-24 based on like-for-like data. Final budget shares will be based on October 2023 census data and may therefore increase or decrease.

Norfolk is part of the Department for Education (DfE) 'Safety Valve' programme as part of the ongoing plan to return the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) to a balanced budget, due to the ongoing and significant pressure for specialist placements and SEND provision overall. In Norfolk the Local First Inclusion programme of work is our 'safety valve' plan. Local First Inclusion has secured joint DfE and NCC revenue and capital funding with a parallel focus on meeting needs earlier and more effectively within local inclusive mainstream education whilst continue to build and develop more state-funded special schools and specialist resource bases. We are also investing in more 'free at the point of delivery' teams to provide advice, guidance and direct support within a new 'zone' approach to locality working. This is a six year programme and requires significant partnership working between children's services and school leaders to ensure that we deliver the ambitions of the programme but, critically, embed these for the long term.

The Local Authority is asking schools for feedback on the impact of different levels of Schools Block to High Needs Block funding transfer in 2024-25, in line with the expectation of the DSG grant conditions issued by the Department for Education. While the revised High Needs Block plan increases the overall high needs resources available to mainstream schools, we want to hear from schools regarding the impact of Schools Block transfers to enable this.

Additionally, given the critical tie to between Local First Inclusion and the block transfer request, we are seeking feedback from school leaders regarding this programme.

The LA is also consulting schools on:

  • The use of the funding cap on per-pupil gains within the formula
  • Charges for audits in maintained schools (question for maintained schools only)
  • Funding for GCSE provision in special schools (questions for all schools due to impact on Safety Valve/Local First Inclusion DSG Management Plan)

To view the proposals and technical papers, please visit the Fair Funding page on the Norfolk Schools website or for the survey go to

The survey opens Tuesday 3 October and closes Tuesday 31 October.

A collation of the feedback will be provided to Schools Forum on 22 November.