Management Information Sheet
Notional SEN budget 2024-25
Following guidance from the DfE for 2024-25, the Local Authority (LA) is expected to review its basis for the Notional SEN calculation within the mainstream schools' funding formula for the next financial year.
Notional SEN allocations, which are published as part of each school's budget share documentation, do not impact in any way on the amount of funding that schools receive overall through the funding formula. Instead, it is the amount notionally recognised towards SEN within the allocated budgets, and are used by schools as a guide to the level of funding notionally attributed within the overall budget share towards the additional support of SEN pupils.
To support this review, the LA is carrying out a survey with mainstream schools and academies, to engage and seek evidence of the levels of SEN support currently provided within schools and how this compares to the notional SEN calculation. The feedback will help to inform the size of the Notional SEN budget for 2024-25.
Schools' views on the methodology for calculating the Notional SEN values for each school, including the National Funding Formula factors used, will also be welcome.
A paper providing background information, and a link to the survey is available from 3 October to 31 October 2023 on the Fair funding consultation page - Norfolk Schools and Learning Providers website.
The survey will be open from 3 October to 31 October 2023.