Management Information Sheet
Local First Inclusion- Secondary Leaders' Alternative Provision Workshops
In the summer term we shared the Norfolk Vision for AP and the Norfolk context and evidence base for this work. The summary of the feedback from these sessions shared in July can be seen here.
We would like to invite secondary headteachers and senior leaders to a workshop in November where we will:
- Share the Norfolk Strategy for implementing new AP
- Share the core principles for the operating model for new provision
- Explore how we can overcome any barriers to achieving the vision and how we can develop and facilitate close partnerships between schools and trusts
We are pleased that Mark Vickers, CEO of Olive Academies and national leader of AP, will be facilitating parts of these sessions in his role as our external partner to the programme.
The dates for the workshops are:
- 9.00 - 11.30am, Monday 6 November - Great Yarmouth (Cliff Hotel Gorleston)
- 1.30 - 4.00pm, Monday 6 November - Norwich (The Nest, Norwich City FC)
- 9.00 - 11.30am, Tuesday 7 November - Kings Lynn (Knights Hill Hotel)
To book onto a session please email by Friday 20 October 2023. Refreshments will be available on arrival and directions will be sent in advance of the sessions.
If you have any questions, please send these to the address above. We look forward to working with you on this programme.