Management Information Sheet

Consultation on mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 30/11/2023
MI Number:202/23
Publication Date:07/11/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Education Safeguarding Team
Audience:Headteacher DSL

Consultation on mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse

On 2 November 2023, the Home Office published a consultation outlining the government's proposals for implementing a mandatory reporting duty for child sexual abuse.

It follows the release of a report in October 2022 by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) - first established in 2015 and chaired by Professor Alexis Jay - that recommended the introduction of a legal requirement for certain individuals to report child sexual abuse.

The consultation seeks to test a number of "undecided policy questions" following a public Call for Evidence that took place earlier this year, seeking views on the potential impact of a mandatory reporting duty on children, organisations, workplaces and volunteers.

The government is urging a range of professionals that will be affected by a duty including those within schools and further education settings to provide their views on the proposals via the consultation; Child sexual abuse: mandatory reporting which is due to close on 30 November.

Further information is available via: Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse consultation - GOV.UK (