Management Information Sheet

Real Time Data functionality in Perspective

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:226/23
Publication Date:12/12/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:School Data Team
Audience:Primary Heads

Real Time Data functionality in Perspective

Replacing Key Data for 2023 is Perspective's Real Time Data, which gives schools a three year view of their Key stage data as well as comparisons against LA and National figures.

This data can be viewed by individual Key stage on screen, and also exported as a PDF.

From the Perspective Lite home page click on LA Services and then Real Time Data.

Select from EYFSP, Phonics, Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 and scroll down though a selection of views for each. Each Key Stage (except EYFSP*) displays the last three available completed academic years.

If you experience any issues logging in to your Perspective account please email the LA data team who will be able to send you a login reminder.

* Due to the implementation of the new EYFSP framework in 2021/22 that was not comparable to previous years, trend information in Real Time Data only starts at 2021/22 (2018/19 data is not shown.) This will build to 3 years by 2024.