Management Information Sheet

'Everyday Counts' Attendance Campaign - January update

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 31/01/2024
MI Number:9/24
Publication Date:09/01/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Attendance Team (01603223681)
Audience:All education settings

'Everyday Counts' Attendance Campaign - January update

Following on from our 'everyday counts' attendance campaign launched at the start of the 2023-24 academic year we are pleased to share with you revised assets. We have taken on board feedback that you have kindly provided and updated some of the images used, created additional posters, and made the assets editable so that as requested you can insert your own images of your own pupils. We hope you are as happy with the results as we are.

You can access these resources by clicking on 'Show' beside Resources on the Attendance forms and templates web page.

As you are aware they have been created for all to use to help parents understand the importance of school attendance. They can be used with social media, newsletters, emails and printed out for posters/leaflets if you wish. We encourage you to use these assets to continue to promote these key messages with families. Don't forget to use #everydaycounts and #schoolattendance on social media posts and interact with posts on @NorfolkCC and @NorfolkLSCP .

Key Messages

Suggested wording to use alongside the images on social media.

  • We hope you had a great school holiday/half term/break! Get ready to get back to school and make the most of every day.
  • Every day at school adds up, so make the most of it.
  • Remember, if you've got exams this year, being at school as much as possible is important. Every day adds up and will help you get the grades you want.
  • Everyday at school counts, helping with learning, developing skills, and building friendships.

Please don't forget to add the link to to signpost parents to additional support and resources.

National campaign - 'moments matter, attendance counts'.

To help schools and local authorities, on 8 January 2024, the Government launched a national attendance communications campaign aimed at parents and carers. The campaign took place between January and March 2024 and reminded families that moments matter, attendance counts. The campaign featured media partnerships, radio advertising and social media influencers to promote the importance of school attendance and the value of a school day.

You can access the toolkit detailing the campaign, the ways school could support it, and associated resources. We would like to encourage schools to support the campaign and use the resources in conjunction with their local assets.