Management Information Sheet

Learning and SEND Element 3 guidance and frequently asked questions

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 19/01/2024
MI Number:13/24
Publication Date:16/01/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Suzanne Allen (+441603222963)
Audience:Headteachers and SENDCo

Learning and SEND Element 3 guidance and frequently asked questions

Element 3 guidance and frequently asked questions are available on the High Needs Element 3 funding webpage. For enquiries which are not covered in the guidance and FAQ, please email

We have continued to see a high volume of new INDES submissions requesting support (which may lead to Element 3/"high needs" funding). Please could we remind settings ensure that they are only requesting support pupils with high needs. This ensures that we can process requests for pupils with high needs in a timely manner.

Triage of INDES support requests (Support for SEN triage)

When triaging a new INDES support request we will:

  • Review the setting's whole costed provision map for 2023-2024 and current Element 3 funding levels. If we have not received a costed provision map, we will contact the setting to request this.
  • Review the percentage of INDES requesting support for the setting's SEND cohort and contact the setting if the number of "high needs" pupils (for whom support is requested) seems disproportionately high.
  • If it is not clear why the setting has submitted an INDES requesting support (e.g. the CYP is not new to the school or the CYP's needs have not significantly increased), we will contact the setting to understand why support (including Element 3/" high needs" funding) is now required and why the CYP is now considered to have high needs whereas previously they were not.

A reminder that from financial year 23/24 onwards, we will only process requests for support that are submitted before 31 January each financial year. This means that any requests received from 1 February will not be processed until the new financial year and will be allocated from the summer term onwards - not backdated to the beginning of the Spring term. This is to ensure we can feedback to settings, so they have SEND funding information when setting budgets. We will make exceptions in the case of a new CYP with high needs joining a setting between February and March.

Reviewing INDES

We recommend that the INDES for a CYP is reviewed annually for each child of young person with SEND, ideally as part of the review stage of an APDR cycle. This is to ensure that the needs are accurately captured and that identified needs feed into the CYP's SEN support plan. However, settings do not need to resubmit an INDES via the webform unless the CYP's needs have changed significantly. If settings do decide to resubmit an INDES, please could they ensure that this is internally moderated before submitting.

Ongoing support to settings

Our Spring term Element 3 workshop will be held on Tuesday 16 January 2024 booking via S4S is now closed but you can book a place via

We are also continuing our surgery sessions for those requiring bespoke SEND support and guidance - booking information is here.

Many thanks for your ongoing support; should you have any questions/comments please contact us:

If your query relates to Element 3 funding (and is not covered in the E3 guidance and FAQs), please email the Element 3 funding mailbox:

If your query relates to training, please email the training mailbox:

For all referrals, please use the Inclusion and SEND referral form.