Management Information Sheet

Schools Forum briefing from the last Norfolk Schools Forum meeting (23 November)

MI Sheet TypeFeedback
MI Number:16/24
Publication Date:16/01/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Martin Brock; Samantha Williams, Su Rushbrook
Audience:School leaders, trust execs, governors, finance leads, SEND leads, early years providers

Schools Forum briefing from the last Norfolk Schools Forum meeting (23 November)

The briefing from the last Norfolk Schools Forum meeting (23 November) is available on the schools website here. This briefing includes the following topics:

  • Schools Block Recommendations
  • Schools Block Transfer to High Needs Block
  • Notional SEN
  • LFI update
  • Special Schools funding for GCSE provision
  • Early Years Recommendations following consultation
  • De-delegation/Central Services block decisions