Management Information Sheet

Adopting the DfE Model Complaints Policy

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:20/24
Publication Date:23/01/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Governor Services
Audience:All schools

Adopting the DfE Model Complaints Policy

Norfolk County Council, supported by The Governance Service recommend that all Norfolk schools adopt the DfE Model Complaints Policy. If you school has not already adopted this policy, it is highly recommended that you do so within the next policy review cycle.

Complaints are an unfortunate part of school life, and we know that schools work hard to avoid them. How your school manages a complaint will be stipulated in your publicised complaints policy, and for many schools your policy will rarely be used and many go untested for years until a difficult complaint is encountered. By adopting the recommended policy (including serial and unreasonable complaints), your school and board can be confident all aspects of a complaint are covered.

What should you do next?

Raise it as an agenda item at your next Full Governing Board for discussion on adopting the DfE Model Complaints Policy. Be better prepared for the next complaint

The Governance Service provides training for governors and headteachers on handling complaints. Subscribing boards can book their place on the training here or watch a recorded version of the session here.