Management Information Sheet

Thematic Audit - Payroll at Schools: Further information

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:33/24
Publication Date:06/02/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Joshua Warnes

Thematic Audit - Payroll at Schools: Further information

MI Sheet 173/23, issued on 3 October 2023, reported on the findings of the Thematic Audit on Payroll in Schools that was undertaken during the Summer term 2023. The MI Sheet contained a number of findings and recommendations relating to school practices around payroll related topics.

Schools were advised to ensure the findings and recommendations were considered by their Leadership Team, with any issues and proposed actions being presented to the appropriate Governing Board Committee for approval and monitoring. As part of their autumn term visits to all schools and the link to the RAG matrix, Finance Support Officers will ask for evidence, in the form of Governors' minutes, highlighting where discussions have taken place regarding the findings and recommendations from these audits. Any school wishing to acknowledge coverage of recommendations before these meetings, are able to send details to

Because the findings and recommendations relate to processing of contractual employee information, casual workers and expenses claims, EducationHR and NCC Payroll have added comment to each of the areas of recommendation in order to support schools in reviewing their activity.

Detailed Findings with additional comments

  1. Approval of new starters, leavers, and changes to payroll data

    At eight of the ten schools visited, we found the Headteacher had not provided written approval for processing payroll data for new starters, leavers and changes to payroll data.


    Written authorisation should be provided to the appropriate person by the Headteacher or senior staff for all staff additions or removals or changes to payroll data. This could be achieved by using a purposely designed form for new starters, leavers and changes, which once authorised is held on record to support the addition, removal or change made. Alternatively, the Headteacher could document their authorisation on the WorkSpace request forms.

    EducationHR comment

    When completing the Workspace request there is the functionality to print the 'summary page' at this point, for the appropriate person to sign/authorise and put onto the individual file. The final summary page is then sent out with the contractual document to the school - this can go alongside the original request.

  2. Late entry of data on WorkSpace for new starters, leavers, and changes to payroll data

    At five of the ten schools visited, the necessary information for the new starters, leavers or changes to payroll data was not entered on WorkSpace in a timely manner prior to the effective date. In most cases, this was in relation to one or two staff members at each school. This resulted in overpayments to staff members in some cases, which had to be recovered.


    Schools should ensure that the necessary details for new starters, leavers and changes to payroll details are entered on WorkSpace in a timely manner, prior to the effective date.

    EducationHR comment

    We send regular reminders to schools, via InsideHR newsletter, to reiterate the importance of getting requests sent in as early as possible.

  3. Approval of overtime and additional hours claims

    At nine of the ten schools visited, overtime and additional hours were not approved by the Headteacher prior to these hours being worked. Approval to work the hours was given verbally.


    Written authorisation should be provided by the Headteacher for any overtime and additional hours to be worked prior to these hours taking place. This could be achieved by using a purposely designed form for overtime requests which, once authorised by the Headteacher, is held on record.

    NCC Payroll comment

    NCC Payroll will pay claims that are submitted to our service; for schools using the new claim spreadsheet this will go through our automation process to ensure that the submitter of the document is attached to the school and authorised to send the claim form.

    We would however, at the stage of NCC Payroll receiving this information, expect all internal school approvals have correctly been given. It is the responsibility of the school that their internal governance processes have been correctly followed.

  4. Monthly download (includes payroll data) and termly Staff Payroll Data Master List reviews

    At five of the ten schools visited, sufficient evidence to demonstrate that adequate checks were being completed when the termly Staff Payroll Data Master List were reviewed (to identify anomalies and incorrect details), was not being recorded or retained. This was also the case for the review of the monthly download at one of the ten schools.


    An audit trail should be kept by the Headteacher and the person completing the monthly and termly payroll checks. A purposely designed form that records the checks completed by both parties and when, issues found and the action taken, signed by both parties, could be used.

    EducationHR comment

    If they are referring to the HR Data sheet, then additional columns can be added that signatures are required for their internal use. Again, we ask that changes are put through via WorkSpace so would follow the process in Q1.

  5. Details submitted on additional hours, supply and casual worker claim forms

    At five of the ten schools visited, several claim forms had been submitted to payroll which were not fully completed. Details omitted included payroll reference numbers, subjective code and the signature and date from the member of staff submitting the claim form.


    To improve the efficiency of processing, all claim forms should be submitted to payroll as accurately and fully as possible, to reduce the risk of a late payment occurring or forms being returned. Staff should be reminded to complete these forms fully. Authorisers of these forms should ensure that claim forms have been fully completed before approving the hours worked, returning any that have missing data to the employee for them to complete.

    NCC Payroll comment

    No further comment beyond the recommendation.

  6. Late submissions of overtime, expenses and supply claim forms by staff

    At three of the ten schools visited, we found that staff were not submitting their claim forms in a timely manner, within the expected three-month period.


    Staff should ensure that they complete and submit claim forms for any supply, overtime, expenses or additional hours worked by the end of the calendar month in which the work was completed to ensure timely payment is made for the time worked.

    NCC Payroll comment

    No further comment beyond the recommendation.

  7. Approval of expenses claims

    At two of the ten schools visited, we found the Headteacher's expenses claim forms were being inappropriately authorised by a member of staff who was not in a senior position to the Headteacher.


    All expenses claim forms for Headteachers at schools should be authorised by the Chair of Governors.

    NCC Payroll comment

    No further comment beyond the recommendation.

    Norfolk Audit Services comment

    Section 7.1.2 of the Finance Procedure Manual states 'Journeys undertaken by the headteacher must be authorised by an appropriate governor or senior member of staff'. This must be complied with. However, it is also best practice for approval to come from someone senior to the person seeking approval, therefore this should be the Chair of Governors (or other Governor with relevant knowledge).

  8. Incorrect payroll details entered on WorkSpace

    At one of the ten schools visited, we found new starter payroll details had been incorrectly entered by the person completing these tasks on WorkSpace, resulting in two members of staff receiving incorrect pay.


    Schools should ensure that new starter information is set up correctly on WorkSpace; particular attention should be given to ensuring that the working hours are entered correctly as this information feeds into the staff member's contract and pay amount.

    EducationHR comment

    The WorkSpace system provides a framework for customer users to follow that ensures they align employment arrangements to the relevant national conditions of service. Within that, it is the responsibility of the school to ensure the details are correctly entered. Ensuring appropriate approval using the process outlined in the comment under item 1 above will help this. If errors are made, the school should contact EducationHR as soon as the error is identified, so appropriate advice can be given and adjustments made.

Note: Comment from EducationHR in this document relates to schools who are using the HR Administration service from EducationHR. Those few maintained schools not using this service will need to ensure accuracy in their alternative means of notification to Payroll.