Management Information Sheet
Virtual School Forthcoming Professional Development
Big Ideas
These sessions will empower staff to lead active and practical Intervention sessions to support reasoning and mathematical conversation for pupils not meeting age related expectations in Upper Key Stage 2.
Book here to join the Big Ideas: A Numicon Intervention for Years 5-6 session (s)
Connecting with Children through Outdoor Learning
A two-day, practical, outdoor opportunity to explore how to connect with young people through the natural world around them.
Book here to join the Connecting with Children through Outdoor Learning session
Producing Higher Quality PEPs
This session is designed for professionals to remain up-to-date with current statutory and Norfolk Virtual School expectations for Personal Education Plans, whilst empowering them to effectively complete termly PEP meetings.
Book here to join the Producing Higher Quality PEPs session
Developing your Designated Teacher Role
This session is for new or returning Designated Teachers to keep education on the agenda for all children in care and previously in care.
"Everything you need to know about becoming a new DT in one short session!"- Delegate comment. |
Book here to join the Developing your Designated Teacher Role session
If you would like to discuss specific professional development opportunities which are not currently part of our programme, your linked Adviser would welcome a conversation and the updated Virtual School contact list is included within this communication.