Management Information Sheet

PP+ funding for Looked After Children - Update to exceptional funding application process

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:42/24
Publication Date:27/02/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Clare Farrant (01603 307769)
Audience:Headteachers/ Designated Teachers for Looked After Children

PP+ funding for Looked After Children - Update to exceptional funding application process

The Virtual school for children in care and previously in care listened to feedback from schools and with effect from the start of the 2023-24 summer term, we will be simplifying the way that settings can request exceptional PP+ funding from the Virtual School.

For Local Authority maintained settings and academies, we will continue to automatically allocate a maximum of £600 per term, based on the PP+ spend recorded against PEP outcomes. Where it is clear that the termly funding is being used to support the education outcomes of the young person in question, these amounts will be allocated when the PEP is signed off by the Virtual School.

For exceptional funding requests, we will no longer require an application form. Instead, settings should record funding requests on the PEP, as a PEP outcome. This should be recorded on whichever PEP is currently live on Welfare Call, regardless of when the intervention is intended to take place. Requests should always be made before an intervention is put in place as the funding is never guaranteed.

The level of need and the reason for the request should be clear from the PEP outcome, so that decisions can be made without the need to request further information from school. We also need to see an expected end date for an intervention and an exit strategy for how it will be withdrawn. Further information can be added to box 2 on the Outcomes tab 'How is the curriculum being personalised', in support of the request. Documents can also be uploaded to the PEP, but these should be signposted within the PEP outcome.

We will identify PEPs where the total amount of PP+ recorded is more than £600 and review these weekly. These will be approved or refused by the Virtual School and the Designated Teacher will be notified of the outcome by email.

We still expect settings to have a conversation with their allocated Virtual School Adviser if they are requesting more than £600 PP+ funding per term, or if they are an independent setting that is requesting PP+ funding. This should happen before recording the PP+ spend on the PEP, to help avoid delays in the process. Where funding is requested towards the cost of 1:1 support, we apply a formula to calculate our maximum contribution. This is available in our PP+ funding FAQs, available to download from our website, or can be discussed with our Pupil Premium Manager.

We are hoping that this new process will make things simpler for schools but, as with any new way of working, we welcome any feedback around how this is working in practice. Please feel free to contact our Pupil Premium Manager to discuss or seek support or 01603 307769.