Management Information Sheet

Consultation with LA for changes affecting Home to School Transport

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:58/24
Publication Date:19/03/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Sam Mee (07823333902)

Consultation with LA for changes affecting Home to School Transport

You may already be aware of the Non-Statutory Guidance which was first published in March 2022 under the name of 'Minimum expectation on length of school week' and that this was updated in July 2023 and re-named 'Length of school week; non-statutory guidance'.

We know that as a result of this guidance, some schools will be considering adjusting their school hours. Changes in the length of school day have the potential to significantly impact on school transport.

Contained within the latest version (July 2023) is some additional guidance (page 9) about the Consultation Principles and a separate section about Transport (quoted below).

"Local authorities have a statutory duty to make travel arrangements for eligible children in their area to enable them to travel to school for the beginning of the school day and to return home at the end of the school day."

"Where schools propose changes to the school day or week which may affect existing school transport arrangements, they should consult any relevant local authorities in advance of any proposed change, and work with them to minimise any unintended consequences or costs for school transport. Any changes to transport arrangements may require the local authority to re-negotiate existing contracts with transport operators, or tender for new ones. The local authority may also wish to discuss alternative arrangements that minimise additional costs but still ensure that a school can meet its objectives, so engaging with them as early as possible will allow for changes to be made in time for the implementation of the new school timetable."

I wanted to bring this to your attention as any changes of this nature can often impact transport on both costs and resources. Therefore, Norfolk County Council will need to be part of your consultation process when considering changes relating to length of school day. This expectation also applies to any other changes which could impact existing transport arrangements.


The DfE guidance sets out the expectations for consultation with all parties. We would welcome an early discussion with you, to discuss the possible implications from proposed changes as stated above. Please email including the name of your school in the subject line.

We would encourage schools to follow the Consultation Principles 2018. Norfolk County Council suggests that your consultations:

  • Are held during term time, for a minimum of 6 weeks

  • Provide an online or face to face consultation event, for stakeholders to ask about the proposal

  • Provide a consultation document that clearly sets out the proposal, rationale for the change, consultation timescale, how stakeholders can have their say, decision making process and proposed implementation date if the proposal is agreed

  • Give reasonable notice to parents of the implementation date once the is made decision to change

If you would like support with the consultation process and document, please contact our School Organisation Team who will be happy to help.

Links to Government guidance