Management Information Sheet

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun: Help us promote the scheme to eligible benefits-related children and families!

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:61/24
Publication Date:19/03/2024 10:00:00
LA Contact:Big Norfolk Holiday Fun
Audience:School leaders

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun: Help us promote the scheme to eligible benefits-related children and families!

As we approach the Easter break, we wanted to thank you again for your support in ensuring the success of the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme, and to let you know that there are still plenty of free places available for children who receive benefits-related free school meals.

Last year 69 schools hosted or ran events, and since the beginning of the scheme, we have engaged over 13,000 children across Norfolk. You are really making a difference, and with your help we hope that we are able to reach even more people this year.

Key Reminders

The programme runs from April 02-12 for children and young people aged 5-16 (including 4-year-olds in reception classes).

You can access the promotional pack here and share the included flyer with eligible families or via newsletters. Children can book up to 4 free sessions on the programme, and can make bookings via the Every Move activity finder.

There are also a limited number of BNHF Awarded Places are available for children not receiving benefits-related free school meals. Please use this link to refer eligible candidates and select the button 'Refer a child for a free Big Norfolk Holiday Fun place'.

We are also still looking for individuals who are experienced in working with children, especially those with EHCPs needing one-to-one support, to support the programme, and applications can be completed here.

Thank you for your ongoing support in spreading this message to your staff and families. For further details, please visit Big Norfolk Holiday Fun or email