Management Information Sheet
Early years school starters 2024 - A welcoming transition to school
Following national offer day on 16 April 2024, schools in Norfolk will be planning transitions for their incoming Reception cohorts.
Evidence tells us that inclusive transitions are built on the following key principles:
- Transition is a process not an event
- That high quality transitions recognise the importance of feeling known
- Some children are vulnerable at times of transition, particularly those with SEND
- Inclusive transitions are opportunities for professional dialogue
- The key person makes essential connections
Services have worked in partnership to develop online workshops, running in May, highlighting new and effective transition practice for children starting their school journey in Reception this September in Norfolk.
Attending this workshop will build knowledge and confidence to:
- Use the Norfolk early years STAIR (supporting transition and inclusion record) as well as the latest advice and guidance to support high quality transitions into school, including for children with SEND
- Tailor provision to build an inclusive EYFS curriculum around children's starting points
- Plan for the individual and cohort needs, with a focus on the prime areas of the EYFS
- Support Speech, Language and Communication needs, including access to Norfolk Communication hubs
This is suitable for Reception class teachers, EYFS leads, Headteachers, and EYFS teaching assistants. Places are unlimited; you are encouraged to attend with colleagues to come together to plan for transitions.
For dates, times and booking information please visit the S4S Training and Events page.