Management Information Sheet

Recovery Premium funding available for school library books for schools with Norfolk Children in Care

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:88/24
Publication Date:03/05/2024
LA Contact:Hannah Collison-Smith (01603 222292)
Audience:Headteachers/Designated Teachers for Looked After Children

Recovery Premium funding available for school library books for schools with Norfolk Children in Care

The Norfolk Virtual School for Children in Care has agreed for a proportion its recovery grant to be allocated to support the provision of books in school libraries. This portion of the grant is limited and therefore the amount available per setting will be dependent upon the number of applications received.

In order to access this funding, you will need to:

  • complete and submit a library audit which demonstrates evidence of need
  • commit to completing a brief case study one term after the allocation of funding
  • have a Norfolk child in care in your setting

This allocation is in addition to the main recovery grant. If a setting has already applied to the main recovery grant this year it can still apply to the additional allocation but we will need an update on progress with spend from the previous allocation.

Those settings that have not accessed the grant over the past two years will be given priority. Each application will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

The deadline for applications for this additional funding is Friday May 24 2024. Schools will be notified within 10 days of this date.

If you would like further information or an audit form please email: