Emergency school closure system reminder

Now that the weather is getting wintry can we remind you about the method to be used for reporting that your school is closed.

Please use, or continue to use, the school closure system which is available to you on the My School section of Norfolk Schools.

By doing this your school will be reported as closed on the school closure system - which the local radio stations have access to - so you don't need to contact them. Radio Norfolk will also read out a full list of school closures at different times throughout their broadcasts. This system is used by parents, pupils, businesses, Services and Transport providers throughout the day.

Please familiarise yourself with the process - and you may wish to remind yourself of your password. If you are unsure about your password please contact the e-publishing team on 01603 224282.

You may also wish to note the school closure guidance at www.schools.norfolk.gov.uk

This news item was published : 06 December 2017.

Warning this news item was published over 7 years ago and may be out of date.