Norfolk School Risk of NEET Indicator (RONI) Report

The RONI Report is produced each year by Norfolk County Council Children's Services. There is a custom report for each Norfolk SFM secondary school.

The report shows known circumstances for all pupils in year 10 and 11, from a selection of characteristics. These include special education need, free school meals, looked after children, youth offending team supported, exclusions or attendance issues.

The point of the report is to highlight where a young person may need additional support, based upon these characteristics, in the later years at school.

The report is delivered in encrypted and passworded zip format via email. It is sent to Heads, deputies and careers coordinators. Please look out for the email. Feedback is always welcome.

Karin Porter (Participation & Transition Strategy Manager)

01603 679174

This news item was published : 07 September 2018.

Warning this news item was published over 6 years ago and may be out of date.

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