SEND E-Learning Course

We are pleased to inform you there is now a SEND E-Learning course available on the Norfolk County Council Learning Hub or Local Offer websites. This new course is designed to improve the knowledge and understanding of special educational needs and disability (SEND) and associated responsibilities for any professionals, parents/carers working with children and young people with SEND.

This course aims to help learners gain knowledge and understanding of:

  • The different types of SEN and how to identify them
  • Norfolk's Local Offer and how to utilise it
  • Duties and responsibilities under relevant legislation and statutory processes including those under the Care Act, Children & Families Act 2014, Code of Practice and any other relevant legislation
  • Transitional arrangements and the correlation with the Care Act 2014
  • Who to contact to take appropriate action if a child or young person they work with has a suspected or identified SEND
  • The local process for children and young people with SEND relevant to the area of need
  • How to make a referral for an EHC needs assessment.

This is suitable for parents/carers and professionals new to SEND and as a refresher for those already working with children and young people with SEND. It covers all relevant aspects relating to SEND for Education, Health and Social Care.

The E-Learning will give users a clearer understanding of how children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities should be supported in education, health and social care as described in the Children and Families Act 2014 and other associated Acts. It shows the way the systems should work together to secure outcomes which make positive differences for children and young people's futures.

The course will take approximately 60 minutes to complete. Learners are able to complete one or two sections at a time or complete all sections, depending on what suits them best. There is a short question and answer exercise at the end of each section designed to reinforce the learning.

A short survey at the end invites users to give feedback on the course.

If you are aware of anyone that would benefit from this course, could you please promote this to your colleagues.

You can download and print this leaflet for further distribution.

This news item was published : 10 May 2019.

Warning this news item was published over 5 years ago and may be out of date.