Supporting young people with epilepsy: A guide for schools

Young Epilepsy has just launched a free online guide for schools on supporting young people with epilepsy:

The guide includes information on seizure first aid, epilepsy's impact on learning and behaviour and the key elements of support that should be in place at school, and template documents, including a policy on supporting pupils with medical conditions, an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) and a seizure record form.

The guide also features Young Epilepsy's ABLE tool (Assessment of Behaviour and Learning in Epilepsy). This is a simple questionnaire for staff and parents to use to identify potential areas of concern.

Supporting pupils with medical conditions is a statutory duty under section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014. It also supports schools' safeguarding and equality duties.
Young Epilepsy Helpline: 01342 831342 or

This news item was published : 30 August 2019.

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