Educator Solutions Autumn newsletter

Welcome to our Educator Solutions autumn newsletter!

At Educator Solutions our job is to help schools to provide the best education possible.

Our autumn newsletter is packed full of lots of useful information and ideas to help you do that.

Included in this issue:

  • Countdown to RSE - page 3
  • Personal development through educational visits and outdoor learning - pages 4 and 5
  • Thousands join virtual Big Sing - page 6
  • Enhance your curriculum and subject knowledge - pages 8 and 9
  • New Governance Toolkit - page 11
  • Toolkits to help plan school budgets - page 12
  • Expert HR advice and support - page 13
  • Transforming EdTech - page 16

This newsletter can only ever provide a snapshot of all the ways we can help your school. For more news and guidance, you can follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and look out for our new blog coming soon!

Twitter: @EducatorSols1
LinkedIn: company/educator-solutions

This news item was published : 10 October 2019.

Warning this news item was published over 5 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.