Sign your school up to banish balloons and sky lanterns from our environment

Releasing helium filled balloons and sky lanterns causes many problems. Sadly, animals can get hurt or die from getting trapped in or eating the remains of lanterns and balloons which can end up as litter in the countryside, on beaches and in the sea and sky lanterns can also be a fire risk. There are lots of exciting ways to celebrate events instead, such as using giant bubbles, flying kites, banners and streamers, drumming, and tree planting.

Norfolk County Council has pledged not to release sky lanterns or balloons from the councils' own property and land, and have launched the Norfolk Sky Lantern and Balloon Release Charter to encourage others to do the same. A number of community groups, businesses and individuals have already signed up to the charter and your support would help to make a big impact on this issue.

By signing the charter your school pledges not to release sky lanterns and balloons from our land. You can sign up to the charter pledge too as an individual or for your business or community group on the Norfolk County Council webpage. You can also find out more about alternative celebration ideas and download a free poster to display.

The charter is for anyone, whether it's a large organisation or just one person. Everyone can choose to pledge to use safer and more environmentally friendly ways to celebrate and not allow the release of balloons or lanterns on land they own.

Download Our school has signed the Norfolk Sky Lantern and Balloon Release Charter flyer

This news item was published : 21 November 2019.

Warning this news item was published over 5 years ago and may be out of date.

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