Bright Spots - Continuing the conversation

Last year we participated in a national survey to gather the views of Norfolk Looked After Children. Co-produced with young people, this joint Coram Voice and Bristol University Programme is the largest survey of its kind and gives young people the chance to share their experiences.

Thanks to the support of colleagues and partners including designated teachers, we had a completion rate which compared well with other LAs and provided valuable insight which is supporting and informing our work Although the survey identifies areas for development, it also identifies 'bright spots', which are those areas where children and young people tell us we are doing as well or better than national benchmarks.

We are repeating the survey this year which means that we can track our progress locally as well as continuing to look at the national picture.

Designated teachers are key to supporting young people to complete the survey as a 'trusted adult'.

The survey will run from 3 February 2020 until the end of March. It will take less than ten minutes to complete. More details and links will be shared nearer the time. If you have a PEP meeting during this time, we would like you to include the survey when you gather pupil views.

Jade Cubitt, Children and Young Persons Participation Officer ( will be supporting the process this year and would be happy to speak with you if you would like more details.

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This news item was published : 16 January 2020.

Warning this news item was published over 4 years ago and may be out of date.

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