Spring 2020 Newsletter from Educator Solutions

As a not for profit organisation, our priority is to help you to deliver the best possible education. All of the products and services we provide to schools and academies are developed out of needing to help you, our customers.

In this issue

  • NQT Talent Pool - page 3
  • Countdown to statutory RSHE - page 4
  • Updates from Norfolk Music Service - page 6
  • Accounting software developed for academies - page 8

  • Feel more confident with school finance - page 9
  • Upcoming training - page 11
  • Health, safety and well-being - page 12
  • Make the most of Office 365 - page 15
  • Cyber security - are you protected? - back page

To get in touch with us or now to find out more

Website: www.educatorsolutions.org.uk
Phone: 01603 307710
Email: enquiry@educatorsolutions.org.uk
Twitter: @EducatorSols1
LinkedIn: company/educator-solutions

This news item was published : 27 February 2020.

Warning this news item was published over 4 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.