Delicious Drawings Competition

The competition is part of the Food Savvy initiative run by Norfolk County Council and Suffolk Waste partnership. Food Savvy aims to support a reduction of household food waste by sharing information that will help people become smart with their food.

#FoodSavvy is calling on all primary school aged children, living in Norfolk or Suffolk, to help them to fight the 'greedy bin' and stop food from being thrown away. The Delicious Drawings competition asks children to draw a picture which revolves around a food saving idea and will run from 20 May until 20 June 2020. This could be set as an exciting half term challenge for children, where they will be in with the chance of winning a prize of a cool cooking kit and food store vouchers.

For more information and full terms and conditions please visit

This news item was published : 15 May 2020.

Warning this news item was published over 4 years ago and may be out of date.

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