Summertime Book Review Competition

Schoolreaders is a charity which provides volunteers to state primary schools who listen to children read on a one-to-one basis. By providing reading support early in a child's development, Schoolreaders aims to address the wider social and economic inequalities to which low levels of literacy contribute. You can find out more about Schoolreaders here.

Over the summer holidays, we are encouraging children to read with our Summertime Book Review Competition. Any child in a UK primary school can enter by sending us a short review of a book, or e-book they have read (alternatively children can submit a short story of their own creation) for the chance to win themselves £30 worth of books, £175 worth of books for their school library and a video call with bestselling children's author M.G. Leonard. The competition is open until 30 September. Full details of the competition can be found here.

This news item was published : 16 July 2020.

Warning this news item was published over 4 years ago and may be out of date.

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