GDPR in Schools and Data Protection Education join forces

Driving data protection excellence

Since the implementation of the GDPR Norfolk schools have made good use of the GDPRiS software and the DPO services from Data Protection Education to aid their journey to compliance.

The two organisations are pleased to announce their closer working partnership bringing together a depth of experience and understanding of schools to ensure that Norfolk schools can have peace of mind knowing that the information, guidance and support available to them will ensure their compliance with the GDPR.

Talking about Data Protection Education's contribution, James England, Director of Data Protection Education, commented We are proud to be working more closely with GDPRiS to help schools in Norfolk continue to meet and exceed the requirements of the GDPR. We passionately believe that together we will strengthen existing good practices in data protection by enhancing already sound procedures and methods.

Lawrence Royston, co-CEO of GDPR in Schools said This formally brings together two organisations that are at the forefront of helping Norfolk schools monitor and manage their compliance.

The partnership has many benefits including having access to shared resources and expertise. The partnership recognises the importance of building on this collaborative approach that strengthens both organisations and enables us to better help schools ensure they meet the new data protection regulations.

To hear from both GDPR Schools and Data Protection Education about the new partnership and the latest features available for monitoring and tracking Data Protection within your establishments, please join our webinar on the following dates/times:

Webinar links to register

New features video link

This news item was published : 25 September 2020.

Warning this news item was published over 4 years ago and may be out of date.

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