RSHE support for Norfolk Primary and Secondary schools

If you have not yet embedded an effective RSHE provision in your school, it's time to seek out the benefits of an effective RSHE programme for your school community. There is strong evidence that, when delivered by trained teachers in line with best practice, this 'curriculum for life' is popular with parents and helps children and young people to protect themselves and others both online and offline, improves their physical and emotional health, and develops character, resilience, academic attainment and employment prospects, with the greatest benefits experienced by the most disadvantaged pupils . We cannot underestimate the pivotal role this curriculum can play in ensuring resilience in these challenging times.

If your school isn't ready yet, please don't panic - it's not too late! We have everything you need to embed an effective programme of RSHE, that meets the bespoke needs of your school community and aligns to the ethos and values of your school. All our resources have been updated to enable progress towards embedding an effective curriculum of RSHE in line with the new guidance requirements and with creative solutions to overcome the challenges of coronavirus.

Your Next Steps

  1. Complete the fully subsidised RSHE Compliance Calculator here ( This tool will help you to identify areas of strength and areas that will require development to ensure compliance with the new RSHE legal requirements. If you have already completed this calculator, we would recommend completing this again as it's a fantastic way to track your progress
  2. Attend our fully subsidised RSHE surgeries. These surgeries are designed for all Norfolk Primary and Secondary schools regardless of where you are on your journey towards embedding effective RSHE.
  3. 10 Feb 2021 16:00 - 17:00Review of final planning and preparation, focusing on pupil voice and parental engagement
    11 Mar 202116:00 - 17:00Putting the guidance into practice in the classroom, including staff CPD
    15 Jun 202116:00 - 17:00Identification of assessment, including evidencing for Ofsted

    Please click here ( surgery) to reserve your place/s.

  4. Use our RSHE tools, briefings and resources. Our RSHE tools and training, including many fully funded and a complete best value Embedding Statutory RSHE Support Package will provide you with everything you need to embed effective RSHE. Schools have told us our that these tools and training have been invaluable in preparing and implementing statutory RSHE. All available to view here (
  5. Contact us with your questions. Our experienced team are here to help you provide the best education possible. We will be happy to answer your questions and/or discuss your bespoke needs.

Please email us at or call 01603 307710.

This news item was published : 21 January 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.