Subsidised Effective Parental Engagement and Pupil Participation support for Norfolk schools

All schools must start teaching statutory Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) from the summer term. We're here to help you have everything in place to be fully prepared.

Before you start teaching RSHE you must first consult with parents and pupils. Our Effective Parental Engagement and Pupil Participation Toolkits contain everything you need to do this effectively:

Effective Parental Engagement Toolkit - MS Teams

This Toolkit will help you to learn how to run effective parental engagement strategies for RSHE and includes:

  • Supporting Effective Parental Engagement and Consultation - RSHE Briefing - this briefing contains realistic approaches to achieving meaningful consultation and engagement plus practical tools to support effective parental engagement
  • RSHE - Template letter to send to parents - this templated letter can be modified to your school's requirement and used to send out to parents to invite them to a parent's information session
  • Parental Engagement - helping your child to stay safe and thrive in the modern world - this PowerPoint can be adapted to your school's requirements and used to deliver an effective parental engagement session with parents
  • RSHE Parent Survey - to be used to send out to parents to help identify trends by age and needs of a pupil, so you can ensure accessible and sensitive provision is in place.

Pupil Participation Toolkit - MS Teams

This Toolkit will help you to understand the requirements of the RSHE guidance to promote pupil participation and identify practical tools to support effective pupil participation strategies and includes:

  • Promoting Pupil Participation - RSHE Briefing - this briefing contains realistic approaches to achieving meaningful consultation and engagement plus practical tools to support effective parent participation strategies
  • RSHE Pupil Participation Discussion Guide - this tool is designed for teachers to use in the classroom to help aid your pupil participation session
  • Pupil Participation - PowerPoint to use in a classroom setting - this PowerPoint can be adapted to your school's requirements and then used to deliver an effective pupil participation session with your pupils
  • RSHE Survey - this tool is designed for teachers to download and print out, ready for your KS2 pupils to use and complete in the classroom.

We also have a flexible programme of fully funded and subsidised training, curriculum resources and strategic framework tools to ensure you are equipped with everything you need to promote the safeguarding, health and happiness of your pupils. This will ensure they are positioned to take full advantage of the personal, social and academic opportunities available to them.

Fully funded tools, briefings and resources

  • Compliance Calculator - benchmark your current RSHE provision against the new statutory requirements using this online tool
  • RSHE briefing - Josie Rayner-Wells talks you through key points and changes within the new guidance, with reflection activities to develop a realistic and impactful approach, supportive of your school ethos and values
  • RSHE Governor briefing - Josie Rayner-Wells talks you through key points and changes within the new guidance including clarification of the Governors role in RSHE
  • RSHE SEND briefing - Josie Rayner-Wells talks you through how the guidance translates into practice for children and young people with SEND, including reflection activities to help you think about the key outcomes you need to achieve in your school
  • RSHE Solution Bulletins - step-by-step guidance on an evidence-based journey towards statutory RSHE
  • Managing my moments resource - a resource to equip children and young people of all ages with strategies to support emotional health and wellbeing behaviours
  • RSHE guidance on supporting Year 7 pupils - guidance about how to effectively support the teaching and learning of pupils in relation to RSHE with a focus on puberty, periods and sex education for YR7 pupils
  • Top Tips for Talking to your Child about Tricky Things'.- RSHE is most effective when taught in collaboration with parents - please share this useful document with parents
  • Springing into Statutory RSHE - update and top tips from National RSHE and Inclusion Adviser, Josie Rayner Wells.

Subsidised resources, toolkits and training:

  • Embedding Effective Statutory RSHE Support Package - this best value package includes everything you need to embed effective RSHE and includes all of the below resources, toolkits, tools and training
  • RSE Solution Resource - one-year digital subscription which contains everything you need to teach effective RSE
  • Model RSHE policy and scheme of work - a fully customisable template policy that satisfies statutory requirements together with guidance to support your school to tailor this to its bespoke ethos and values
  • RSHE Bootcamp - this training covers everything your PSHE lead needs to enable a needs-led curriculum and whole-school approach to ensure measurable impact within your school
  • Effective Parental Engagement Toolkit - this training will help you to learn how to run effective engagement strategies for RSHE - please see above for more information
  • Pupil Participation Toolkit - this training will help you to understand the requirements of the RSHE guidance to promote pupil participation and identify practical tools to support effective pupil participation strategies - please see above for more information
  • Staff CPD Toolkit - this training will help you to understand what underpins effective RSHE CPD, consider how to create the right environment for an inset and effectively use the provided model Staff CPD PowerPoint and facilitator guide
  • Assessment Toolkit - this training will help you to clarify knowledge of the requirements of assessment in the new RSHE guidance and learn how to use assessment to provide evidence of impact.

All available at

I've got some questions... No problem, we're here to help.

Josie Rayner-Wells, National RSHE and Inclusion Adviser and our experienced team are here to help you provide the best education possible. We will be happy to answer your questions and/or discuss your bespoke needs. Please:

Email us:
Call us: 01603 307710

This news item was published : 05 March 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.