Inspiring Norfolk Learning Resources

Norfolk County Council is proud to be supporting Inspiring Norfolk, an education project aiming to provide Norfolk schools and their communities with a rich range of creative and meaningful resources celebrating the diversity of opportunities locally so that everyone can benefit from what Norfolk has to offer.

Throughout June and July schools, students and families can access an online bank of resources designed to enrich the curriculum and support wellbeing. Resources to draw upon include over 50 short films with suggested activities to stimulate interest and enable new experiences. Experts in a variety of fields including well-known Norfolk personalities have contributed to the films, all sharing their expertise and enthusiasm.

Resources can be used flexibly as a stimulus for a learning project, to create themed days or even curate a bespoke festival of learning for individuals, groups and families. Schools may also find the resources useful for transition projects for all ages, assemblies and as opportunities to support home learning.

All resources are free and can be accessed on the Inspiring Norfolk website.

For more information you can sign up to the Inspiring Norfolk newsletter or email

This news item was published : 15 June 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

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