DfE funded Designated Mental Health Training

We are working with the National Network of Mental Health Leads as an approved provider of Department for Education funded training for mental health leads.

We are offering two pathways through the training (senior leaders and middle leaders) and schools and colleges in England can apply for a £1200 grant to cover the cost of the training and contribute towards cover costs.

National Educational Leaders in Mental Health - for Heads and Senior leaders - a three-day course covering the mental health lead role, but in the context of culture, ethos and also staff wellbeing. Complete a portfolio alongside the course to gain the certification and also a level 4 qualification in Mental Health Aware Leadership.

Advanced Mental Health Lead - for middle leaders and leads who do not sit on the senior leadership team - a three-day course covering the mental health lead role, in the context of pupil wellbeing and provision. Complete a portfolio alongside the course to gain the certification and also a level 4 qualification in Mental Health Aware Leadership.

Final details of the application process from the DfE are due to come out later in September, but you can reserve your place via the network website at www.mentalhealthlead.com

This news item was published : 09 September 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.