Outdoor Learning Grant for Local Schools in Britain to Improve Their Environment

Learning Through Landscapes is accepting applications for the fourth and final round of funding for outdoor learning grants in England, Scotland, and Wales for 2021.

The aim of this fund is to promote outdoor learning among young children by providing nurseries, schools and other early learning providers with resources and training. Successful applicants will receive an assortment of outdoor equipment up to the value of £500, along with a two hour training session for staff.

Equipment provided by the scheme includes but is not limited to:

  • Bird boxes
  • Bee hotels
  • Gardening equipment
  • Pollinator kits
  • Wildlife watching kits
  • Outdoor wear for adults and children

Applicants can mix, match, and duplicate products to suit their needs within a £500 limit.

Priority will be given to applicants that include children in the decision-making process, such as through a Student Council or as part of a lesson. Projects that incorporate and benefit the local community, such as through volunteer opportunities or visual improvements to the local environment, are encouraged.

Applicants must be employed by the school/early learning provider. Applications from PTAs, Governors, or 'Friends of' groups will not be accepted.

The final deadline for applications this year is 12 November 2021.

This news item was published : 29 October 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.