Jack and the Beanstalk - Livestream Pantomime


After the success of Rapunzel the Lockdown Pantomime in 2020, we are delighted to invite you to join us for Jack and the Beanstalk! Here comes the Fee, Fi, Fo, FUN!

Pupils from across the UK are invited to take part in our end of autumn term lockdown pantomime!

In partnership with Charanga, St George's Theatre, Sheringham Little Theatre and NYMAZ, Norfolk Music Hub is excited to announce Jack and the Beanstalk - a school friendly end of term celebration written especially by Nick Earnshaw.

Targeted at Primary students either in school or learning from home, this exciting new project will feature songs to sing along to, with accompanying resources which will be available on Charanga from 01 October.

On Thursday 16 December 2021, students across the UK will be able to tune in to our livestream and sing along with a live band. The performance will be signed and captioned to ensure it is accessible to all.

We encourage schools and pupils learning from home to dress up as their favourite pantomime character for the day. We'd love to see your rehearsal and performance videos or photos! Please tag us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and share using the hashtag #AreYouPantoReady?

If you've got any questions about Jack and the Beanstalk, please email jackandthebeanstalk@norfolkadvisory.com.

This is offered free to all primary and complex needs settings across the UK. For the event details and how to register, please visit the Jack and the Beanstalk - Livestream Pantomime page on the Norfolk Music Hub website.

This news item was published : 29 October 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

This news article has been listed as being potentially useful for governors.