Sign the workplace pledge to help victims of domestic abuse

Thousands of employees across Norfolk now have access to vital help and support if they are affected by domestic abuse thanks to the launch of workplace pledge in the county.

The *HEAR Pledge was launched on White Ribbon Day 2020 to encourage employers to play their part by making simple changes to policy to break the silence around domestic abuse.

A year on - on White Ribbon Day 2021 - the number of organisations which have signed up to the pledge now totals 50, representing nearly 30,000 employees.

Employers who have signed up range from large organisations including Norfolk County Council, Norfolk Police, Norwich City Council, James Paget and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals and Norwich City Football Club alongside smaller supermarkets, recruitment agencies, event organisers and sports clubs.

The campaign - launched by the county's Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Group (DASVG) - is ongoing with employers across the county being encouraged to follow-suit and make the key pledge to help victims of such abuse.

Schools and colleges are also being urged to sign the HEAR Pledge.

You can sign the pledge and find out more information by visiting >> HEAR campaign - Norfolk County Council.

This news item was published : 25 November 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

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