Fully funded opportunity: Primary English and Mathematics Leadership Briefings

Delivered by highly-experienced advisers from the Curriculum Team, these Primary English and Mathematics leadership briefings help you to keep up to date with an ever-changing educational landscape and the latest resources available to support English and Mathematics in the classroom. These live webinar sessions will be delivered half-termly across the academic year.

Benefits include:

  • Learn of key education updates (eg DfE, STA, Ofsted, EEF, hubs, subject associations)
  • Ask questions
  • Receive bespoke advice and support
  • Collaborate on effective approaches to teaching English or Mathematics
  • Share your experiences with other English or Mathematics subject leaders

These leadership briefings are fully funded for all Norfolk schools!

See the attached flyer for more details. Booking information is on the S4S website.

This news item was published : 03 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.