Child and adolescent violence towards parents and carers - Free online webinar

Domestic abuse specialists from Norfolk County Council are running a free online webinar on the issue of child and adolescent violence towards parents and carers.

The event aims to offer help and support to parents and carers and also professionals working with children.

Please consider whether any educational professionals at your setting would benefit from attending. We are also keen for you to forward details of this session to any parents and carers known to you who are struggling with this issue in their household.

The following will be discussed at the webinar:

  • Perceptions and misapprehensions
  • Causes and influences
  • Entitlement versus responsibility
  • Empowering parents to make change

The professionals running the event will be:

Ellie Mendham
Specialist support manager, providing recovery services to adults and children who have experienced domestic abuse, and child and family therapeutic interventions.

Nina Showler and James Frankland
Domestic abuse practitioners, who both work with children and adult victims of abuse and specialist in whole family work and relational interventions to support families where there is child to parent violence and abuse.

The session is on Friday 10 December from 1.30pm to 2.30pm on Microsoft Teams. Book your tickets on Eventbrite.

This news item was published : 02 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

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