All-Age Carers Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney - Survey

The independent charity Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney is asking you to help share their All-Age Carers Strategy Survey - they are keen to contact as many unpaid carers, of all ages, as possible.

The survey is part of the initial stage of the first All-Age Carers Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney. It has been co-produced with carers with the aim of improving services and ensuring carers receive the support they want and need.

The link for the survey that you can share is: or it can be accessed on the Carers Voice website where it is clearly available from the front page. Alternatively, people can request an Easy Read or postal copy of the survey by emailing Any questions can be directed to the same email.

For those who wish to share it on any social media, Carers Voice has provided a poster, and a social media post with this suggested text:

The independent charity Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney has co-produced a survey with carers as part of their work on the All Age Carers Strategy. This will be used to improve services and ensure carers receive the support they want and need. To complete the survey, please visit: To request an Easy Read or postal copy of the survey, please email

This news item was published : 02 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

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