CPD survey extended deadline - please complete by the end of term

Thank you to everyone who has already completed one of the surveys regarding your CPD needs over the next year (MI Sheet 222/21).

We understand the pressures in the school system at the moment and appreciate that completing the survey may not be a priority, however a high return rate is essential to gaining an accurate picture of need in order to secure the long term benefit of responsive, needs led CPD. For that reason, were extending the deadline for returns, to Friday 17th December to ensure as many settings as possible have the opportunity to influence their future CPD offer.

Please complete only one of the surveys, depending on your provision:

As the questions are wide ranging, it may be necessary to consult with members of the SLT, in particular the SENDCo.

The survey should take between 5-10 minutes of your time to complete depending on your phase.

Thank you for contributing to the development of your future CPD offer.

If you require any help or support with this survey, with CPD or consultancy, please email landitraining@norfolk.gov.uk or call 01603 306407.

This news item was published : 09 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.

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