Bespoke surgery sessions for schools to support pupils with emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA)

For some pupils Covid-19 may have created or exacerbated anxieties in engaging with school. These fully funded bespoke surgery sessions provided by Norfolk EPSS will provide targeted strategies to address individual pupil needs.

What is emotionally based school avoidance?

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) can occur when pupils experience significant emotional factors, including anxiety, that prevent consistent attendance at school and/or challenges to positively engaging whilst in school. For some pupils, Covid-19 may have exacerbated existing anxieties, or new anxieties may have emerged which can be internalised or externalised. The impact of EBSA can be far reaching so early identification and support is key. It is not unusual for children to recover quite quickly once they are in school as it is quite normal for anxiety to disappear once they are able to remain engaged in school, realising that it is manageable.

How can I find out more?

This recorded webinar, delivered by Norfolk EPSS and accompanying toolkits will help you to:

  • Know what is meant by emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA)
  • Understand and recognise possible factors that might lead to an increased risk of EBSA
  • Identify ways to positively address EBSA

Where can I get pupil-specific strategies to support?

EBSA challenges can be complicated to address. If you have accessed the existing resources and would benefit from some bespoke guidance, providing targeted strategies to address individual pupil needs, then please book one of the fully funded EBSA surgery sessions.

Over 30 schools have benefited so far:

  • Being given practical suggestions to support the child and parent
  • Talking the situation through was one of the main things that helped. Being reassured that we are doing what we can and putting things in place that are good for the situation, but also ways to extend this and add to it.
  • Providing a discussion opportunity, resulting in clear documented actions to move forwards with.

I've got some questions...


This news item was published : 09 December 2021.

Warning this news item was published over 3 years ago and may be out of date.